Please set to HD (High Definition) when watching to clearly see the amazing effects on real people. Full Video of Jeunesse Global's products, manufacturing, awards, business, and before and after pictures and videos. Featured here are the amazing Luminesce stem-cell-science-based serum, the newly launched Instantly Ageless instant face lift on-the-go that is taking the market by storm, AM PM Essentials that make you younger inside and out, Zen Bodi which is every weight-watcher's dream, Reserve which is a most powerful anti-aging and anti-cancer delicious juice concentrate packet with Resveratrol, and Nobel-prize-winning science breakthrough product FINITI... the ultimate anti-aging product that helps you GROW younger. After watching, be sure to contact me at so my team and I can get you started on your Jeunesse "Grow Younger" program. We do home-services and host gatherings for opportunities wherever possible. Or join us in our Google Plus hangouts. I and our circle of leaders can help you get started and stay equipped as a Jeunesse global distributor right from your own laptop. You can also order direct or join me up as a global Jeunesse executive at Do you have Viber? Message me and let's exchange numbers! Don't miss out!
This is the full Video:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Our Awards and Recognitions
Part 3: Summary of Products
Part 4: The Amazing Luminesce Before and After Pictures
Part 5: Introducing: Instantly Ageless Instant Facelift within 2 Minutes With Demos Recorded in front of Live Audiences
Part 6: Focus on The Amazing Jeunesse-Exclusive Products: Luminesce, Instantly Ageless, AM PM Essentials (Powerful Anti-Aging and Overall Health Cell food), Zen Bodi (Safe and Powerful Weight Management) Reserve (powerful anti-aging and anti-cancer with Resveratrol), and FINITI (Nobel-Peace-Prize-Winning Technology and Science for Jeunesse)
Part 7: Focus on Jeunesse Manufacturing Standards: Halal, Kosher, Highest Quality
Part 8: Focus on Jeunesse Brand Evolution: Jeunesse is "Generation Young"... the Ultimate and Most Effective Youthfulness Products are in Jeunesse
Part 9: SAY YES to JEUNESSE: The Business, The Products, The Real People, The Changed Lives....You Are Next!