【HD/CC】JEUNESSE Reserve™ A Super Antioxidant Resveratrol Fruit Blend #5 ANTI-AGING LONGEVITY

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Xuất bản 13/12/2015
Visit my website: http://bit.ly/18IYR8y for more info | This video has CC (Closed Caption), please turn it on! This is part 5 of Jeunesse Anti-Aging Longevity Series - Understanding Reserve - Presented by Dr. William Amzallag, M.D. & Director of Product Sciences at Jeunesse. With a botanical blend of antioxidants that super-charge your internal systems, RESERVE™ is a naturally sweet supplement bursting with exotic fruit juices. It contains a host of powerful ingredients that repair free radical damage and protect cells against future harm. Your cells stay healthier, live longer, and leave you looking and feeling great. Formulated to provide you with all the protection you need, this delicious and nutritious gel will infuse your body with youthful vitality and a feeling of overall good health. RESERVE’S™ superstar ingredient, resveratrol, is accompanied by a supporting cast of other powerful antioxidants like açai, pomegranate, blueberry, dark sweet cherry, aloe vera, grape seed, and green tea. This incredible supplement will jump-start your day. BENEFITS Antioxidants resist oxidative stress and premature aging Anthocyanins support healthy cardiovascular function Essential fatty acids assist in digestive tract function Reinforces a healthy immune system Helps maintain a healthy metabolism Helps boost energy Supports healthy joint function Positive cap-e test results indicate that RESERVE™ penetrates and protects live cells from oxidative damage ACTIONS: To view the product sheet for RESERVE™ go: http://bit.ly/18B4BkA To learn more about JEUNESSE Antioxidants Innovation go: http://bit.ly/1CrDVie To order RESERVE™ Antioxidant Fruit Blend 1 Sample Packet go: http://ebay.to/1DZ42O7 To order RESERVE™ Antioxidant Fruit Blend 7 Packets go: http://ebay.to/1I6Beos To order RESERVE™ directly from JEUNESSE at Retail Price go: http://bit.ly/1AzEfqp To order RESERVE™ directly from JEUNESSE at Distributor Price, click here: http://bit.ly/18IYR8y & "Join Now" to become a member. Please contact me when you have any question for sign up as a member. To learn more about Youth Enhancement System (Y.E.S.) go here: http://bit.ly/1EpL1jO To learn more about Stem Cell Innovation go here: http://bit.ly/1xdxNd9 To learn more about DNA Repair go here: http://bit.ly/1HhzCWa To learn more about Telomere Maintenance go here: http://bit.ly/1HhzCWa To learn more about Financial opportunities go here: http://bit.ly/1BkTenR To learn more about Weight Management System go here: http://bit.ly/1y5ZW5Z 婕斯 Reserve™沛泉菁華功效: 1.活化人體抗老化基因、延緩衰老,活化細胞、強力抗疲勞,恢復生理機能年輕活力、增長壽命。 2.具有很強抗腫瘤功效,有效抑制腫瘤細胞、癌細胞擴散降低活性,緩解疼痛,改善浮腫或水腫。 3.緩解疼痛效果一流,有效改善、活化肌肉僵硬麻木,減緩頸椎肩背痛,軟化骨刺。 4.預防骨質疏鬆,促進新骨形成。 5.抗動脈粥樣硬化、抗凝血、抗血栓、抗高血脂症。 6.預防高血壓、心臟病、冠心病、防止血管阻塞、改善血液循環。 7.具有超強抗氧化、清除自由基、增強免疫系統功能。 8.抗菌消炎,有效改善口腔潰瘍、牙齦腫痛、牙周炎。有效改善尿頻尿急、尿道炎、前列腺炎、關節炎等效果立竿見影。 9.抗過敏、氣喘、安定神經、抗抑鬱、改善睡眠、舒緩壓力。 10.有效減重瘦身、促進新陳代謝,淡化各種斑點,皺紋、恢復年輕白皙。 11.有效控制血糖濃度,平衡胰島素分泌。 12.新型的植物性雌激素,保持青春活力,預防及改善攝護腺問題,延緩更年期。
Anti-aging Health Life Extension Character Power Fruit Food Antioxidant Medical Treatment Diabetes Longevity Resveratrol Chemical Compound JEUNESSE Reserve™ JEUNESSE LONGEVITY SERIES
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