Ever heard of Telomeres? Well, you will soon, thanks to the worlds leading geneticist, Bill Andrews! Dr. Oz did a segment last week about Bill's research and breakthrough in age reversal. Hear Bill explain telomeres! Go to the links below and check out the science www.drscience.info & www.agereversaltvnews.com.
Now here is a testimonial from my dear friend Christy and her husband Chris who saw improvement in just two weeks.
The first time in many years! I've been sleeping like a baby every night and my pain level (back, knee, wrists and neck) has been greatly reduced! The aches and pains that had become "normal" are quickly becoming a distant memory. My fingernails are getting stronger, and I've got a lot of new hair growth along my hairline. I have amazing calm and steady energy during the day, even though I've been crazy busy!
Chris has been suffering from peripheral neuropathy from his back surgeries for the last 2 years. He's seeing remarkable results in his pain level. His left foot pain has been a constant 8-10 on the pain scale. It's now 2-4. Some days he doesn't have any pain, and that is a welcome FIRST! He's also not frequenting the rest room as much during the night. ~Christy B
These profound experiences, along with those of several people I know here on Maui are proof that this stuff works! We have an alzheimers patient who's regaining her memory and a diabetic who's getting off his insulin after only 3 weeks on the product.