JEUNESSE GLOBAL -FINITI™ cells, DNA, stem cells, and telomeres.TA-65® MD (RO)

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Xuất bản 13/12/2015
FINITI contine un nutrient patentat care s-a aratat in mod clinic ca imputerniceste in mod natural si sigur enzimele din corpul nostru pentru a prelungi telomerele scurtate, adaugand viata sanatoasa celulelor noastre. Combinatia puternica a ingredientelor din FINITI, abordeaza trei cauze principale ale imbatranirii accelerate: deterioararea ADN-ului, insuficienta celulelor stem, si scurtarea telomerelor, despre care acum stim ca pot avea un efect profund in sanatatea individului. Ce face FINITI sa fie diferit de orice alt produse de pe piata ce promoveaza tineretea? Jeunesse are drept exclusiv in intreaga lume al ingredientului cheie TA-65® MD FINITI™ contains a patented nutrient that has been clinically shown to naturally and safely enhance the enzyme our bodies use to lengthen shortened telomeres, adding healthy life to our cells. FINITI's powerful combination of ingredients tackles the three main causes of accelerated aging: DNA damage, stem cell insufficiency, and telomere shortening, which we now know can have a profound effect on an individual's health.
Jeunesse Global Youth stem cells telomeri Adriana Cosma
khuyến mãi giảm 30 phần trăm

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