Dr Vincent Giampapa's Interview on the TODAY morning show (October 27 2012)

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Xuất bản 27/01/2017
Dr Vincent Giampapa talks about the revolutionary science of stem cells, the importance of your DNA and the Luminesce product range- world first in youthful ageing, redefining youth. Background ========== Medical advisor at Jeunesse was honored for his Stem Cell research. Dr. Vincent Giampapa, medical advisor at Jeunesse, was recently nominated for a 2014 Nobel Prize in the area of Stem Cell Research. The Nobel Prize Nomination was given for the potential impact Dr. Giampapa’s technology may have on the global aging epidemic as well as the financial impact of future health care in all countries with aging demographics, especially in the United States. "My work in Stem Cell Research has its origin in the new science of Epigenetics—that is, the ability to help cells work more optimally so that people age efficiently. This is the same concept behind what was designed into the Jeunesse AM & PM Essentials formula. The use of a specific combination of naturally-occurring plant compounds creates a synergistic effect inside the 50 trillion cells that make up the body. The result is something you can feel and see in just a very short time: like visibly younger looking skin as well as more energy to face daily challenges. Epigenetic research has facilitated amazing new products like AM & PM Essentials, and this recent Nobel Prize Nomination, for which I’m grateful." Dr. Giampapa headed the development for AM & PM Essentials™, the first supplement designed to combat premature aging both day and night. Jeunesse’s groundbreaking anti-aging supplement, it effectively delays the symptoms of aging and helps regulate mental focus and restful sleep. Originally presented by Dr. Giampapa in Rome at the Vatican Stem For Life meeting in April 2013 and then again in Stockholm at the Swedish American Life Science Summit, Giampapa’s research has documented in-vitro approaches that can make cellular restoration possible. Join us at "www.akeso.jeunesseglobal.com" About Vincent Giampapa, M.D. ========================= Vincent C. Giampapa, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a Board Certified Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Dr. Giampapa is a pioneer in his field; he is one of the first Board Certified anti-aging physicians in the world and is internationally recognized as an innovator in surgical instrumentation. He is also a founding member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Giampapa has been featured in a myriad of national magazines, radio, and television programs, including: CNN, WABC-TV, Fox News Channel, Geraldo, Joan Rivers, Phil Donahue, and Anderson Cooper. He currently serves as a medical spokesman and advisor for Jeunesse. Visit us at "www.akeso.jeunesseglobal.com"
jeunesse Health Industry stem cell anti-ageing Dr Vincent Giampapa Morning Online Shopping Industry Breakfast Television TV Genre Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Award Category The Today Show TV Program akeso jeunesse Medical Research Field Of Study
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